Mental Health Resources

We want to give you three easy, and clear resources to maintain optimal mental health during the Covid-19 crisis.

As we’re thinking about food source, finances and what’s happening next with this intense and nasty virus… we’re asking our readers to take a minute and ask yourself this question.

Are you taking enough time for your mental health?

If the answer is ‘no’, there are a ton of resources available online as business are using Instagram, Facebook and blogs to share information and resources around mental health. There are places to find help and support and we wanted to offer a few ideas for consideration. These tools have proven efficacy so please give one or all a try: 

1. Breathing or Meditation – This can clear our mind and help kick us into our parasympathetic nervous system which helps to calm our body – which contributes to mental health. Head over to Instagram and there are LIVE classes literally happening every hour on the hour — @lululemon, @myhoame or check out HEADSPACE — services are FREE during this time:

2. Movement – check out your local studio and chances are they’ve moved their classes online for a fraction of the cost. OR commit to a daily walk (at a social distance)… fresh air, sound of birds and sunlight life the spirits. 

3. Say it out loud – Getting outside of your head is important for your mental health. So we suggest to FaceTime an old friend, call your sibling or WhatApp with coworkers… the important thing (especially if you’re living alone…) is to break the silence. OR write it down – journalling is an amazing way to empty the brain and help with anxiety. Usually after you write it down – it’s not so frightening. 

Go easy on yourself, protect your mental health — and stay at home. 🙂