Aromatherapist Charlynn Avery shares some of the best essential oils for meditation.

The use of aromas in spiritual practice is not a new concept. People have burned sacred plants like sage and sandalwood as incense for centuries during ceremonial rites and services or for prayer and meditation. These plants are believed to cleanse and offer a spiritual connection. It makes sense that we use aromas in religious practice— they help form strong associations of grace that we can then invoke more readily in less-than-graceful times when we experience the aromas again.

Some great essential oils to use for meditation include:

Lavender – an aroma known to be calming and strongly associated with the upper chakras

Sage – an aroma traditionally used for intuitive practice and spiritual cleansing

Rose – the oil that epitomizes love in all forms and helps us remember the beauty and love that surrounds us

Vetiver – an oil excellent for centering and grounding when we feel scattered or disconnected

Moreover, it is recommended to dilute the oils before applying them as anointment to prevent any skin irritation. Additionally, diffusion can be done through various methods such as a diffuser or simply adding a few drops to a bowl of hot water. Furthermore, taking deep breaths of the aromatic scents can enhance their therapeutic effects and promote relaxation. In conclusion, utilizing essential oils for their natural benefits can be a simple yet effective way to improve mood and overall well-being. Pause a moment, take a deep breath and just…let…go.

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How Colleen Saidman Yee uses essential oils to stay calm and focused.